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Lab for Retinal Cell Biology

Publications 2014

Samardzija, M., Caprara, C., Heynen, S., Wilcox DeParis, S., Meneau, I., Traber, G., Agca, C., von Lintig, J., Grimm, C. (2014)
A mouse model for studying cone photoreceptor pathologies.
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 55(8):5304-5313

Oczos, J., Sutter, I., Kloeckener-Gruissem, B., Berger, W., Riwanto, M., Rentsch, K., Hornemann, T., von Eckardstein, A., Grimm, C. (2014)
Lack of paraoxonase-1 alters phospholipid composition but nhot morphology and function of the mouse retina.
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 55(8):4714-4727

Narfstrom, K., Jalomäki, S., Mowat, F., Samardzija, M., Chaudieu, G., Bergström, T., Bragadottir, R., Grimm, C. (2014)
Assessment of a novel pigmentary chorioretinopathy in the Chinese crested dog.
JSM Ophthalmology, 2(2):1018

Caprara, C., Britschgi, C., Samardzija, M., Grimm, C. (2014)
The Erythropoietin Receptor is not required for Development, Function and Ageing of Rods and Cells in the Retinal Periphery
Mol Vis., 20:307-324

Agca, C., Grimm, C. (2014)
Leukemia inhibitory factor signaling in degenerating retinas.
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 801:389-394

Samardzija, M., Grimm, C. (2014)
Mouse models for cone degeneration.
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 801:567-573

Edited Book:
Advances in experimental medicine and biology. Retinal Degenerative Diseases. Mechanisms and Experimental Therapy (2014)
Volume 801; Ash, J.D., Grimm, C., Hollyfield J.G., Anderson R.E., LaVail M.M., Bowes Rickman, C., (eds).
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York.